How These Sessions Work

Here's a sample session to give you an idea of what the email summary of a remote, asynchronous Astrology-based Subtle Energetics session is like:

(client name and identifying details changed for confidentiality)

Hi Annaliese!

I have your natal chart in front of me (I'll attach an image for you), and I'm feeling drawn to working on certain energies present in your birth chart (which are present in your life, they're just visually and symbolically represented in your chart.)

So, before we begin, get a glass of water, something to write with, and something to write on. Look at your glass of water. Imagine that the water is glowing radiantly, filled with golden light. Take a sip of water while using your powerful imagination to imagine that you're drinking in warm, golden light with the cool, clear water. Imagine that water and that light moving throughout your body, filling every cell, every atom of your entire body and energy field. You are filled with and surrounded by light.

Let's begin. We'll be addressing 4 items/issues today.

1. I'm hearing "clear and cleanse the Venus energies." Images flashing through my mind. A captive, a chain with a missing link, heartspace morphing into roses. Generational issues, a swan. All revolving, dissolving, resolving contingent on something. What thing? "Rewrite the story" is what I'm hearing.

There's something bothering you. Something that hasn't gone how you'd like it to and that you're concerned will continue moving farther and farther away from what you want as events unfold. Take a few minutes to sit with that story, that event, that something that just isn't what you desire. And then write out how you wish it would have gone and how you want it to be as if it already happened that way. The ideal experience. Write about it, then read what you wrote and allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up for you.

Once you've done that, invite the ENERGY of the "ideal experience" that you wrote about to be present in your life, even if the actual experience did not happen. Imagine the energy of that ideal experience floating above your head like a vibrant, sparkling purple dust. Imagine that dust begins falling down on you and entering your body through your 3rd eye. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale if you accept this energy into your reality.

2. "moon" is what I'm hearing now. "moonsong, moonlight, moonshadow, moving, cycles, seasons, BELONGING." What needs to happen here for Annaliese's highest good? Looking at your moon on your chart and hearing "perfectionism." "We need to shift the energy of perfectionism to the energy of progress."

Close your eyes and imagine that you are surrounded by trees in a forest. Each tree is exactly like all the others, perfectly straight, surprisingly narrow, and impossibly tall. All white, the bark smooth with no defining markings. All the branches sprout from the trunks hundreds of feet above your head, so no branches obstruct your view of row upon row upon row of evenly spaced, perfectly cylindrical tree trunks as you look all around you. No animals are around. No leaf litter strewn across the ground. Just bare, brown earth. Not even any bugs. No breeze. All is still, except you. You hardly dare breathe, because even the faint stirring of your breath breaks the stillness, the impossible silence.

What purpose does this forest serve? Is it serving anyone or anything in its rigid, cold beauty?

It is the forest of stasis, stagnation. Nothing grows, nothing moves. Nothing breathing or feeling or experiencing, except you. Everything is frozen in this one moment of perfect uniformity, absolute order. There is no progress here.

Hold your hand out in front of you and discover that you have a seed in your hand. A completely ordinary-looking seed. Perhaps from a wildflower of some kind. Imagine taking one last look at the identical trees all around you, and then plant your seed at the foot of the nearest one. Imagine the smell of moist dirt as you dig a small opening with your fingertips, place the seed inside, and then cover the seed with soil. As you stand back up, you hear a bird call in the far distance. The faintest of breezes brushes your cheek, carrying with it the distinctive smell of impending rain.

When you're ready, open your eyes.

3. There are some trapped emotions gumming up your ability to regulate the flow of energy between your moon (emotions, inner-self, intuition, sense of belonging) and your midheaven (highest calling in life, way you're most visible in the outer world, what will propel you towards your personal path of progression). There's a trine here, which usually would mean there's an easy, natural flow...but there are feelings of rage and revulsion that have slowed the flow significantly. I'm going to clear up those rage and revulsion energies. You focus on taking deep breaths that make some noise as the air moves in and out of you. Allow your body to move however it wants to.

So, I've facilitated a download that will aid in the regulation of rage feelings, so that whatever rage energy comes into play on your path of progression will be PURIFYING and tempered by divine wisdom, instead of just wantonly destructive. Rage has a place and a purpose. It just needed a more productive application.

Now, the revulsion. Revulsion, disgust, fear, shame, enjoyment, pleasure...circling right back to revulsion, which fed the rage. Okay. Let's witness and dismantle the revulsion. Once again, Annaliese, your job is to focus on breathing through this. Punch the air, if you feel like you need more than just breathing to help clear the energy out. Or imagine a sweater unravelling while you breathe.

4. Now I'm hearing "space." Expansive, huge, space going out forever and ever. Jupiter. And a blockage of flow between your natal Jupiter energy and your natal sun energy, which in turn influences your ability to tap into the flow of your natal Juno energy. Karmic Jupiter influences.......Akashic records.....expansive to the point of overwhelming, "firehose" communication, Imbalance leading to shrinking...shrinking down to nearly nothing, small words, small voice, attracting what isn't wanted, abundance of discord. Contractual agreement....null and void. Now, a commitment: "I speak abundantly of the process of balance. I expand unity."

Inhale. Pause briefly. Inhale a little more. Pause briefly again. And then exhale slowly through pursed lips.

Repeat that process 2 more times.

That concludes this session! Be sure to drink lots of water and take some time to simply witness your emotions while practicing non-judgement, especially with tomorrow's New Moon in Cancer.

Through light and shadow,


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How These Sessions Work

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