Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Session

Astrological energies are, in essence, archetypal energies.

They underlie everything, moving through and around us and all that we interact with. These are energies that make up the very fabric of existence from the microcosm of subatomic particles and the quantum realm to the midcosm that is our physical reality and the plane we most often consciously live in to the macrocosm of the Universe and everything beyond it.

When we intuitively facilitate cleansing, healing, and aligning of a specific astrological/archetypal energy within us, the effects ripple outward and inward simultaneously to influence everything that has that archetypal energy within it. This is both the subtle and the potentially all-encompassing power of healing and empowering the astrological energy residing within you.

In an Astrology-based Subtle Energetics session, Kayelee uses

  • intuition, electrons, and quantum physics
  • symbolic images
  • physical body as support for energy transmutation

in order to facilitate a powerful shift and realignment in your energy body, which can then support changes in the physical plane.

Because electrons are not bound by time or space, Kayelee can facilitate your session on her own time and create a beautiful and effective email summary of the session with action steps for you without you having to be present. Then you can read your email summary and trigger the subtle energetic shifts in your energy body whenever is most convenient for you.

You can expect to receive your Astrology-based Subtle Energetics session summary via email within 2 weeks of ordering it. If you order a package of sessions, you can expect to receive one session every other week until all sessions in the package are completed, once your first session has been emailed to you.

Once you've paid for your session or package of sessions, you'll need to fill out the Intake Form, so that Kayelee has all the information she needs to be able to effectively facilitate your session. The process of ordering your session(s) is not complete until you've submitted your Intake Form.

3 Modules

What is Astrology-Based Subtle Energetics?

Modules for this product 3
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 One Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Session with Kayelee
 $ 111.00 USD
 Package of 3 Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Sessions (Savings of $63)
 $ 270.00 USD
 Package of 6 Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Sessions (Savings of $126)
 $ 540.00 USD
 Package of 9 Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Sessions (Savings of $189)
 $ 810.00 USD
 Package of 12 Astrology-based Subtle Energetics Sessions (Savings of $252)
 $ 1,080.00 USD

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