Universal Laws are essentially humankind’s collective observations and experiences boiled down into proposed laws for reality that seem to consistently prove true and have stood the test of time.
The basic concept of “Laws of the Universe” has been a matter of interest and study (at least) as far back in our collective history as ancient Greece and ancient Egypt and throughout the world in myriads of seemingly disparate cultures. It is believed that these laws are intrinsic and that ancient cultures knew about them intuitively long before the laws began to be studied and tested intellectually.
Many people talk about a list of 12 Universal Laws; others talk about 33 or 88, and many of the Laws overlap to some degree with each other. Perhaps that’s because linear language and finite minds are limited in their ability to adequately describe reality (and its laws) as a multidimensional and all-encompassing....Thing (for lack of a better word.)
I believe there really are laws which govern the Universe and which cannot be changed. Laws which govern the very fabric of our reality, our existence, our consciousness. Laws which either simply cannot be broken or--if broken--result in consequences that ultimately can’t be put off. Laws which govern even God the Father and God the Mother.
Completely understanding these laws and following them is what makes God, God....and gaining an understanding of these laws is the purpose of our existence. These laws are key to joyfully mastering yourself and your life.
Since the following list of Universal Laws has been compiled by human beings with imperfect understanding, there is possibility for error. However, centuries of study and application as well as compatibility with inspired writings give this list a fairly solid foundation as being legitimate Laws of the Universe.
As always, if you are unsure about something I share, go within. Tap into your intuition and inspiration! YOU--not I--have the answers you seek! You are your own deep medicine. I'm simply your fellow sojourner and guide.
(keep in mind that these are not in-depth descriptions or discussions of each law, just basic introductions)
The Law of Divine Oneness Everything is interconnected. No one and nothing is “an island unto itself,” and what happens to one of us happens to all of us.
The Law of Vibration Everything is vibrating. Everything is moving. Your vibrational frequency informs your lived experience.
The Law of Inspired Action You must take action steps toward what you want if you want “it” to manifest in your reality. Intentional action. Inspired action. As Russell M. Nelson has said, “The Lord [and/or Universe] loves effort...”
The Law of Correspondence Patterns repeat at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. Your external reality is a mirror for what is happening within you. “As above, so below. As within, so without.”
The Law of Cause and Effect What you put out into the world eventually comes back to you. Some people consider this to be the Law of Karma. This law also expresses that every action has an effect; every effect has a cause. There is ultimately no such thing as random.
The Law of Compensation Also known as the Law of the Harvest, this law states that “what you reap you will sow.” You “sow” kindness and goodwill? Then you’ll reap the “fruits” of that. You “sow'' harsh judgement and criticism? You’ll reap those “fruits.” Also, on a more tangible, physical level, if you plant carrot seeds and care for them properly, you’ll get carrots. Not turnips. And certainly not avocados. Don’t take care of them properly? You’ll not get a good carrot harvest.
The Law of Attraction Like attracts like. You attract what you are. What you focus on grows, especially if you believe it will. Lots of people get caught up in the Law of Attraction, not realizing that this law can only take you so far if you are not also utilizing the Law of Inspired Action.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy On an energetic level, everything is constantly evolving, fluctuating, adjusting. There is no standing still. A lower vibration can bring other vibrations down and a higher vibration can bring other vibrations up. Use your intention and you can be even more effective at changing the vibrations around you by changing your own.
The Law of Relativity Everything is relative, dependent on your perspective and perception. If you compare your marriage to your neighbor’s, you may feel inclined to think yours is terrible. If you compare your marriage to your cousin’s, however, perhaps you’ll find yourself feeling like you have the best relationship ever. The reality is that everything is neutral, and if you remove comparison, you’ll be able to more clearly and truly see your marriage (or any other thing or experience you might compare. A marriage is just the example I ran with.)
The Law of Polarity Everything has its opposite. “Opposition in all things.” And these opposite-pairings are two sides of the same coin. (Keep in mind, opposites don’t just exist in good/bad pairings.)
The Law of Rhythm Things happen in cycles, in patterns. I focus a lot on this law in my work with clients.
The Law of Gender This law indicates that there is both masculine and feminine energy existing in all things. It’s not so much about man vs woman or gender norms. The Law of Gender is saying that the opposing and complementary energies of yin and yang, masculine and feminine, penetrating and receptive exist in everything and in everyone (regardless of biological sex or sexual orientation). Finding your own balance between yin and yang within yourself is empowering and honoring.
The Law of Witnesses The previous 12 laws are generally found on most lists of Universal Laws. The Law of Witnesses is not. However, it’s an important law to mention. Essentially, what is observed--what is witnessed--is changed by the act of observing/witnessing. This has been studied in experiments with electrons (helloooo quantum physics, my dear friend!) “By the mouth of two or three witnesses...”
The Law of Compound Interest This is another law not usually found on a list of the core 12. In my opinion, this law is very closely related to the Law of Compensation, but has its own important nuances. The Law of Compensation essentially says you reap what you sow. The Law of Compound Interest states that small efforts sustained over time will be compounded and you receive the “fruits” of that effort--with interest. In other words, “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
Through light and shadow,
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