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Lunation: The Blog Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo


Next Sunday, February 5, 2023 we’ll experience a full moon in Leo.

Because a full moon involves an opposition between the Sun and Moon, we tend to collectively and personally experience opposition that usually manifests as external circumstances giving us an opportunity to practice balancing opposing energies. 

So, let's break this Leo Full Moon down:

Moon: emotions, intuition, inner-self


Leo: play, generosity, romance, children, loving from the heart, creativity

is triggering external circumstances that appear at odds with

Sun: identity, ego, external focus


Aquarius: friendships, groups, humanitarian, unique, loving from the head, scientific

This opposition is asking us to "show up" and take action, learning how to balance loving from our hearts with loving from our heads through practice.

Aquarius loves from the head, loving all of humanity and thinking in terms of what will serve the entire human family (instead of what will serve the individual alone.) However, sometimes Aquarius can be overly scientific and cerebral to the point of disconnecting from emotion, which can lead to a degree of objectification of the Self or others. 

Leo loves from the heart and somehow manages to be both childlike and regal at the same time. There is a genuine, heartfelt authenticity to empowered Leo energy that recognizes the importance of emotions and rest. Leo can be playful, generous, and optimistic...and can also be lazy, selfish, or overbearing. The energy of Leo is associated with childhood as well as the Inner Child.

This full moon is a reminder that no one gets to tell your Inner Child or the Leo energy within you which emotions are acceptable. You get to decide. You get to feel exactly how you feel, regardless of whether it was safe or acceptable for you to feel that way as a child. This is an opportunity to give the love and understanding you needed as a child to YOURSELF. You get to express yourself in your own unique way. You get to lean into your own intuitive insights. get to practice finding a balance between loving with your head and loving with your heart.


  • What does it mean to me to "love from my head?"
  • What does it mean to me to "love from my heart?"
  • In what ways have I felt like my emotions were unacceptable to others?
  • What is one thing I will do today to reclaim my emotional sovereignty and autonomy?
  • In what ways have my friendships impacted my emotional state?
  • How would it feel to allow myself to play and have fun without worrying about whether it’s socially acceptable?

Leo is ruled by the Sun. It's all about showing up and shining. Simultaneously the Sign of royalty and of children, there's both a regal-ness and a playfulness to Leo that looks like optimism and graciousness and a loving, giving heart.

So, tap into all that is beautiful and wholesome in Leo by taking some time today to play! To reconnect with childlike wonder (instead of childish tantrums).

Let yourself do the thing that you normally don't because "it's not important enough" or you "don't have time" with everything else you feel like you need to do. The thing that lights you up. The thing that you have so much fun doing! The "guilty pleasure" that you reeeaalllyyyy don't need to feel guilty for, but you do anyway.

Do something romantic and playful.

Express yourself!

Spend time with little kids and be open to what they have to teach you.

Laugh! Watch a movie that puts you in stitches. 

If you feel like you don't really know what would be fun for you....

First, know that you aren't alone in feeling that way

And second, I encourage you to either do something that you used to love as a kid or do something new and see how it lights you up (or doesn't).

Practice being playful, and it will get easier! And you can't practice very well just by thinking about it (unless you're vividly visualizing in a state of hypnosis! But that's a conversation for another time...). It's time to do something. Even something small.

Through light and shadow,



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