On February 27, 2023, we'll experience a Gemini First Quarter Moon.
Whenever there's a First or Third Quarter Moon, I talk about the Inner-Self and Outer-Self seeming to be in a conflict of values--a conflict of values that's actually a conflict of strategies.
But what does that mean?
First of all, let's talk about values. Values are a set of ideals and principles that guide your behavior and help you determine what is desirable and what is not desirable. A person who values or holds the value of honesty will tell the truth and avoid any degree of deception if they are living in alignment with their values. A person who holds the value of adventure will likely not be content to do the same routine every day without deviation.
Here are some examples of values that I found on yourdictionary.com:
Just like people hold values, astrological archetypes--including the Signs and Planets--can hold values. The element, mode, and polarity of a Sign can help you decipher what values that Sign is likely to hold (keep in mind though, that your individual expression of the values of say, Gemini, is likely to be at least a little different from mine or your cousin's or your coworker's). When the Sun and Moon are squaring each other (which is what happens during First or Third Quarter Moons), the values of your Inner-Self and the values of your Outer-Self are brought into tension, and it can look like only one part of you can experience the desired value(s).
This is only an illusion, however, because values can't actually be in conflict. Honesty and adventure don't conflict with each other. Determination and fun don't either. Even punctuality and spontaneity are not inherently in conflict. It's how we go about fulfilling or experiencing our values that can create conflict. In other words, it's the strategy we use to experience a value, not the value itself that can create conflict internally or in interpersonal relationships. The conflict can be reduced if we're willing to adjust our strategy while still honoring our value.
During this particular First Quarter Moon, the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Gemini, which means that your Outer-Self is feeling drawn to values that relate to Pisces themes and your Inner-Self is feeling drawn to values that relate to Gemini themes.
Pisces is a feminine/yin (polarity) mutable (mode) water (element) Sign
while Gemini is a masculine/yang (polarity) mutable (mode) air (element) Sign
As a Water Sign, Pisces is naturally expressive of spirit and emotion. As a feminine/yin Sign, Pisces is more receptive, introspective, and being-oriented. As a mutable Sign, Pisces is expressive of the energy of endings, transitions, and letting go. So, as the Sun is in Pisces, your more external Self is likely drawn to values like receptivity, spiritual connection, change, etc.
As an Air Sign, Gemini is naturally expressive of thought and movement. As a masculine/yin Sign, Gemini is more active, proactive, and doing-oriented. As a mutable Sign, Gemini is expressive of the energy of endings, transitions, and letting go. As the Moon is in Gemini, your more internal Self is likely drawn to values like assessment, experimentation, change, etc.
So, as an example, part of you may feel like processing lots of information and doing a lot of communication (even if it's mostly communication with yourself) while the other part of you may feel like creating a spiritual practice that fosters peace and stillness. The highly active energy of information processing may seem to conflict with the more passive, receptive desire to connect with your Higher Power. An active mind and a peace-filled connection with the Divine are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but if you think the only way you can experience your value of an active and engaged mind is to take in as much information as possible while also thinking that the only way you can experience your value of peace is to be still and meditate with an empty mind, you will likely find yourself at war with yourself during this First Quarter Moon.
However, if you're willing to adjust strategies by thinking your thoughts to God or writing letters as prayers or doing a moving meditation (these are just a few examples, not an exhaustive list), you can find your Inner and Outer Selves experiencing their values without conflict. If you're struggling to figure out how to reconcile your seemingly conflicting values during a First or Third Quarter Moon, look to what's similar between the Signs involved. During a First or Third Quarter Moon, the Signs involved will be in different elements and polarities, but they'll have the same mode. In the case of Gemini and Pisces, they are both Mutable Signs, which means they both resonate with releasing, transition, endings, letting go, etc.
If everything I just explained feels a little heavy or overly cerebral, don't fret. It can take some time for these concepts to fully sink in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with simply doing the meditative journaling prompts that I share or knowing that a First Quarter Moon is about acting and observing. Starting where you are is more important and valuable that trying to focus on everything all at once.
Now that we've explored values and strategies, let's do our breakdown of this specific First Quarter Moon:
Moon: emotions, inner-self, intuitive focus
Gemini: adaptability, curiosity, information processing, basics and foundational principles, trickster, fun, sociability, learning, messenger, busy-mindedness, distractibility, experimentation
is experiencing a conflict of strategies that looks like a conflict of values
Sun: outer-self, external focus, ego
Pisces: spirituality, fantasy, imagination, intuition, openness, the Unseen, metaphysics, faith and doubt, agape (the love given by and received from the Divine), dissociation, merging, oneness
Meditative Journaling Prompts for Gemini First Quarter Moon:
I wish you all the best as you navigate your values during this Gemini First Quarter Moon!
Through light and shadow,
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