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Lunation: The Blog Balancing the Aries-Libra Axis

Balancing the Aries-Libra Axis


Balancing Aries and Libra...

Libra is all about seeking for balance and harmony while Aries is all about DOING THE THINGS. 

Too much Aries energy can look like extreme disregard for others in the pursuit of personal aims. It can be so fiercely independent that it "dies on its white horse," broken and burnt-out and tragically disconnected from nurturing and meaningful connections. 

Too much Libra, on the other hand, can show up as being so enmeshed in another human being that you don't even know who you are anymore. It can be "keeping the peace" by allowing abuse and mistreatment.

I don't want that unhealthy Aries or Libra energy in my life. I don't want that for you.

Healthy Aries and Libra is establishing and maintaining boundaries combined with vulnerability and humble curiosity--curiosity about yourself and others so that you can be connected in relationship without being consumed. It's meeting other human beings in partnership from an empowered place and respectfully giving them the space to embody their own sovereignty. Recognizing relationship imbalances and having the courage to do the hard work required to bring things closer to a healthy balance.

I realized while writing this email that much of my married life has been an exercise in discovering, experimenting with, and thoroughly messing up applying Aries-Libra energy (all with the effect of me coming to a purer manifestation of Aries and Libra within myself.) Which makes a lot of sense, since Libra is the sign of marriage and partnerships!

Whatever one-on-one relationship(s) are drawing your focus lately (whether romantic or otherwise), here are some meditative journaling prompts to support you in balancing Aries-Libra and connecting with the higher manifestations of each:

Meditative Journaling to Support Healthy Aries-Libra

If you need a refresher on how meditative journaling works, here it is! Otherwise, skip down to the next section.

Meditative journaling is an exercise for accessing the subconscious mind and receiving answers from your own deep, inner knowing.

My recommendation is that before you read any meditative journaling prompts, you take a few moments to focus on your breathing, closing your eyes if you’d like.

Then, when you're ready, read the first question and write down whatever comes to mind. No judgment, no editing as you go. Write down whatever comes to mind, regardless of whether it seems to make sense. Then repeat this process for all the questions. Write until you feel as though you have nothing left to write. 

This exercise is a simple, yet effective way to access the power of your subconscious mind and use it for your own healing

Meditative Journaling Prompts to Support Healthy Aries-Libra Energy

  • In what ways am I avoiding taking action in my own life by focusing on things I have no control over?
  • If I were to take a cherished love on a date, what would I plan for us to do? If I were to take myself out on a date, what would I love to do?
    • (Now combine your answers to make a plan and take yourself on a date! It's a truly awesome way to foster a healthy relationship with yourself.)
  • In what ways am I giving away my power in relationships? In what ways am I taking away or blocking other people's power?
  • When I feel vulnerable, what is my reaction? What would I like my response to feeling vulnerable to be instead?
  • In what ways have I been neglecting a meaningful relationship? Which relationship?
  • In what ways am I honoring myself and other people in my relationships?
  • What is one thing I will do today to foster greater respect in a significant relationship?

Through light and shadow,



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