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Aries Season


Aries season marks the beginning of the astrological new year. With it comes the capacity for greater passion, drive, and a sense of starting anew. This is an excellent time to review your goals and desires, assess how you're progressing with each of them, and inject passion into anything you truly want to be incorporating into your life.

Aries energy is fresh, vibrant, passionate, spontaneous, and acts largely on instinct. It's the energy of birth and seedlings pushing through the soil into the light of day. It's viewing everything through fresh, unjaded, inexperienced, and utterly fearless eyes.

To support you in this transition into fiery, shoot-first-ask-questions-later Aries energy, I've curated some meditative journaling prompts for you for Aries energy and the Vernal Equinox! Before I give you those prompts, here's a refresher on how meditative journaling works:

Meditative journaling is an exercise for accessing the subconscious mind and receiving answers from your own deep, inner knowing.

My recommendation is that before you read any meditative journaling prompts, you take a few moments to focus on your breathing, closing your eyes if you’d like.

Then, when you're ready, read the first question and write down whatever comes to mind. No judgment, no editing as you go. Write down whatever comes to mind, regardless of whether it seems to make sense. Then repeat this process for all the questions. Write until you feel as though you have nothing left to write. 

This exercise is a simple, yet effective ways to access the power of your subconscious mind and use it for your own healing.

Meditative Journaling Prompts for Aries Season and the Vernal Equinox

  • In what ways have I been holding back from taking determined and passionate action in my life?
  • In what ways have I been disconnected from my passion?
  • What is one thing I will do today to change my physical reality?
  • What is one action I am committing to take that brings me closer to a significant goal/desire I have for myself? What is that goal or desire?
  • Of all the things I hope to do this year, which 3 are my personal top priorities?
  • If I had no concern for what other people in my life want me to do and be, what would I do? Who would I be?
  • What would it take for me to begin each day with "a beginner's mind?"

As we experience Vernal (Spring) Equinox & the Astrological New Year each year, themes of transition and emergence come forward, as well as themes of action and creation. If you would like some extra support tapping into the energy of Aries and the Astrological New Year, I have a collection of guided meditations, ritual, journaling prompts, and group energy session that can support you in drawing upon the energies of transition and emergence and taking action that's in alignment with who you are and where you want to go. You can access that collection here.

Through light and shadow,



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