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Lunation: The Blog A New Way to Follow the Moon's Cycle

A New Way to Follow the Moon's Cycle


For much of my time studying astrology and working with clients, I've used a model for interacting with the moon's cycle that was based on the recommendations and research of other astrologers, though I added in my own elements including meditative journaling and a particular style of creating relevant journaling prompts. I've more recently developed an approach to using the moon's phases for bringing awareness and purpose to emotion and intuition that's based solidly in my own research and experience, particularly my research into the aspects (relationships) between the sun and moon at any given phase of the moon's cycle. The previous model I used was valuable and effective. My new model is valuable and effective. There is more than one way to approach Lunar Living. The key is connecting with and honoring the natural cycles that exist within you and around you.

This post is to introduce you to my new model of Lunar Living. This is a simplified version of my model that still focuses on the 4 main lunar phases (new, 1st quarter, full, and 3rd quarter) for simplicity's sake; however, I recognize the significance of the more transitional "minor" phases (crescent, gibbous, disseminating, balsamic) and have incorporated their energies into the recommendations for the 4 main phases.

Before we dive into my new model, let's review some basics:

In astrology, the moon represents your inner self. Your emotions. Your intuition. Your energy body. Your sense of belonging.

In a natal chart (birth chart), the moon gives you insight into your emotional tendencies, where you feel your greatest sense of belonging, how your intuition functions, and what self-care your inner self and energy body best responds to.

A single piece of information--such as the moon and what Sign it's in--doesn't give the full story of who you are or what your life looks like or what lessons and opportunities are available to you. However, the moon links you to your most primal, original, organic needs as well as the more subtle, feminine/yin energies within you.

Where the moon currently is in the heavens gives you insight into where you have an opportunity *in this moment* for emotional processing, energy healing, and self care. You can catch a glimpse of where we could benefit from a more intuitive focus.

In astrology, the sun represents your identity. Who you are. Your spark of life. Your focus.

On your natal chart, the sun can give you a lot of information about your identity, but you are so much more than your Sun Sign. The exact location of your natal sun and its relationship to other significant planets and points gives much greater context for you and your life than just looking at which Zodiac Sign your sun is in. Wherever the sun is currently located in the heavens gives us a lot of information about what we're going to naturally collectively focus on.

As the moon and sun interact with each other and the moon moves around the earth, the moon experiences 4 main phases and 4 "minor" phases for a total of 8 phases. Each phase is an interaction between sun energy and moon energy that invites each of us to bring conscious awareness and purpose to our emotional and intuitive tides. This is the foundation for Lunar Living.

Now that we have that foundation established, let's talk about my model for Lunar Living using the 4 main moon phases:

New Moon

Purpose: Release & Intend

The Invitation: Release what no longer serves. Set intention for next moon cycle.

During the new moon phase, the Moon is conjunct Sun, which is symbolic of the Inner-self & Outer-self working as one. There is an opportunity to embrace that unity while recognizing that there is more than what you feel in this moment. Moon & Sun are in same Sign.

First Quarter Moon

Purpose: Act & Observe

The Invitation: Take inspired action, step back, and observe results.

During the 1st quarter moon phase, the Moon is square Sun (and in the process of separating), which is symbolic of the Inner-self & Outer-self experiencing tension. This tension looks like a conflict of values, but really it's a conflict of strategies. Find the common ground. Moon 3 Signs away from Sun.

Full Moon

Purpose: Adjust & Create

The Invitation: Make adjustments & take action to practice balance

During the full moon phase, the Moon is opposite Sun, which is symbolic of the Inner-self & Outer-self experiencing external stressors. There is a difference in perspectives between the Inner and Outer Selves. Exploring & balancing the perspectives is key. Moon 6 Signs away from Sun.

Third Quarter Moon

Purpose: Assess & Integrate

The Invitation: Assess & integrate the lessons you want to keep

During the 3rd quarter moon phase, the Moon is square the Sun again (this time, it's approaching the Sun), which is once again symbolic of the Inner-self & Outer-self experiencing tension that looks like a conflict of values, but really it's a conflict of strategies. Find the common ground. Moon 3 Signs away from Sun.

Aaaaand then we're back to the new moon phase!

If you'd like more information, including specially curated meditative journaling prompts for each of the 4 main phases of the moon, you can download my free Lunar Living resource and other free resources by going to the Free Resource Library and either creating an account or signing into your already existing account.

Through light and shadow,



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